Andy uba news

Andy Uba is a Nigerian politician who has been in the news recently due to his involvement in the Anambra State governorship election. Here are some recent news updates about Andy Uba:

  1. Anambra Governorship Election: Andy Uba, a former Senator, is one of the top contenders in the upcoming Anambra State governorship election. He is the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and has been making waves in the campaign trail.
  2. Court Ruling: In a recent court ruling, the Federal High Court in Abuja ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to recognize Andy Uba as the authentic candidate of the APC for the Anambra governorship election.
  3. Controversy over Candidacy: There has been controversy surrounding Andy Uba's candidacy, with some parties questioning his eligibility to contest the election. Uba has been accused of not meeting the requirements for the governorship election, including not being a registered voter in Anambra State.
  4. Campaign Trail: Andy Uba has been on the campaign trail, meeting with voters and promising to deliver on his campaign promises if elected. He has been focusing on issues such as infrastructure development, job creation, and security.
  5. Endorsements: Andy Uba has received endorsements from some prominent figures in Anambra State, including traditional rulers and community leaders. He has also been endorsed by some APC chieftains and stakeholders.
  6. Opposition from Other Candidates: Andy Uba is facing opposition from other candidates in the election, including the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Valentine Ozigbo. Ozigbo has been criticizing Uba's candidacy, accusing him of being a "stranger" to Anambra State.
  7. Security Concerns: There have been concerns about security in Anambra State ahead of the election, with some parties accusing each other of planning to disrupt the polls. Andy Uba has called for calm and urged voters to remain peaceful during the election.

These are some of the recent news updates about Andy Uba. As the election approaches, it will be interesting to see how his campaign unfolds and what impact he has on the outcome of the election.