Andromo new updates


Andromo is a popular platform for creating Android apps without coding. Here are some of the latest updates and features they've added:

Recent Updates:

  1. New App Templates: Andromo has introduced new app templates for various categories, such as Social Media, News, and Entertainment. These templates provide a solid foundation for building your app.
  2. Improved Drag-and-Drop Builder: The drag-and-drop builder has been enhanced with new features, making it easier to create custom layouts and designs for your app.
  3. Enhanced Analytics: Andromo has added more detailed analytics, allowing you to track your app's performance, user engagement, and revenue.
  4. New Monetization Options: Andromo has introduced new monetization options, including Google AdMob, AdSense, and In-App Purchases.
  5. Improved Support: Andromo has expanded its support team and resources, providing better assistance for users.

New Features:

  1. Customizable Navigation: You can now customize the navigation menu in your app, adding or removing items as needed.
  2. Custom Fonts: Andromo allows you to add custom fonts to your app, giving you more control over the design.
  3. Image Cropping: You can now crop images within the Andromo editor, making it easier to create visually appealing content.
  4. Audio Support: Andromo now supports audio files, allowing you to add music or sound effects to your app.
  5. Push Notifications: You can now send push notifications to your app users, keeping them engaged and informed.

Upcoming Features:

  1. AI-Powered App Optimization: Andromo is working on integrating AI-powered optimization tools to help improve your app's performance and user engagement.
  2. More Monetization Options: Andromo is planning to add more monetization options, including affiliate marketing and sponsored content.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Andromo is developing features to improve collaboration between team members, making it easier to work on app development projects.

These updates and features demonstrate Andromo's commitment to providing a user-friendly platform for creating Android apps without coding. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out their official blog or YouTube channel for tutorials and updates.