Android studio new project gradle sync twice before completion

The infamous "Gradle sync" issue in Android Studio!

When you create a new project in Android Studio, the Gradle build system is responsible for syncing the project's configuration files (e.g., build.gradle) with the project's structure and dependencies. This process is called "Gradle sync."

In some cases, the Gradle sync process may take longer than expected or even fail to complete, causing the project to remain in an inconsistent state. Here are some possible reasons why the Gradle sync process might take two attempts to complete:

  1. Gradle version issues: Android Studio uses a specific version of Gradle to build and manage your project. If the Gradle version is outdated or not compatible with your project's configuration, it may cause the sync process to fail or take longer to complete.
  2. Dependency conflicts: When you create a new project, Android Studio automatically adds dependencies (e.g., libraries, frameworks) to your project's build.gradle file. If there are conflicts between these dependencies or if they are not properly configured, it may cause the sync process to fail or take longer to complete.
  3. Project structure issues: The project structure and organization can also affect the Gradle sync process. If the project structure is not properly set up or if there are issues with the directory structure, it may cause the sync process to fail or take longer to complete.
  4. Network connectivity issues: If your network connection is slow or unstable, it may cause the Gradle sync process to take longer to complete or fail.

To resolve the issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check the Gradle version: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Gradle recommended by Android Studio. You can check the Gradle version by opening the build.gradle file and looking for the gradle block.
  2. Review the project structure: Verify that the project structure is properly set up and organized. Make sure that all necessary files and directories are present and correctly configured.
  3. Check for dependency conflicts: Review the dependencies listed in your build.gradle file and ensure that there are no conflicts between them. You can use the Android Studio's built-in dependency management tools to help resolve conflicts.
  4. Try a clean build: Sometimes, a clean build can help resolve issues with the Gradle sync process. To do this, go to Build > Clean Project and then try to sync the project again.
  5. Disable Gradle offline mode: If you are using Gradle offline mode, try disabling it and then try to sync the project again. You can disable Gradle offline mode by going to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Gradle and unchecking the Offline work option.
  6. Re-import the project: If none of the above steps work, try re-importing the project by going to File > Invalidate Caches / Restart > Invalidate and restart.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your project to sync successfully.