Android studio create a new layout

To create a new layout in Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio.
  2. In the Project panel, right-click on the res folder and select New > Layout file (or press Alt + Insert and select Layout file).
  3. In the New Layout File dialog box, enter a name for your layout file (e.g., activity_main.xml) and select a location for it (e.g., res/layout).
  4. Choose a layout type from the Layout type dropdown menu. You can choose from:
    • Linear Layout (a basic layout with a linear arrangement of views)
    • Relative Layout (a layout that positions views relative to each other)
    • Constraint Layout (a layout that uses constraints to position views)
    • Table Layout (a layout that arranges views in a table-like structure)
    • Frame Layout (a layout that arranges views in a frame-like structure)
  5. Click OK to create the new layout file.

Android Studio will create a new XML file with the specified name and layout type. You can now design your layout by adding views (e.g., TextView, Button, ImageView) and setting their properties (e.g., text, color, size) using the Android Studio layout editor.

Alternatively, you can also create a new layout file by:

Once you've created a new layout file, you can open it by double-clicking on it in the Project panel or by selecting it from the File > Open menu.