Android oreo new features

Android Oreo (8.0 and 8.1) was released in 2017 and brought several new features and improvements to the Android operating system. Here are some of the key new features:

  1. Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode: Allows users to watch videos or use apps in a small window while using other apps or the home screen.
  2. Notification channels: Introduced a new way to manage notifications, allowing users to categorize and customize notifications from individual apps.
  3. Background limits: Introduced limits on background processing to improve battery life and performance.
  4. Autofill API: Introduced a new API for apps to provide autofill functionality, making it easier to fill out forms and login credentials.
  5. Improved battery life: Android Oreo includes several power-saving features, such as limiting background activity and reducing CPU usage.
  6. Google Play Protect: Introduced a new security feature that scans apps for malware and other security threats.
  7. Improved security: Android Oreo includes several security enhancements, such as improved encryption and secure boot.
  8. Android Instant Apps: Allows users to run apps without installing them, by streaming the app's code and data over the internet.
  9. Improved performance: Android Oreo includes several performance enhancements, such as improved memory management and faster app launching.
  10. New emojis: Android Oreo includes a new set of emojis, including redesigned emojis for skin tones and gender.
  11. Improved accessibility: Android Oreo includes several accessibility features, such as improved screen reader functionality and support for more languages.
  12. Google Play Store updates: The Google Play Store was updated to include a new design and features such as a "Discover" tab and improved app recommendations.
  13. Android Things: Android Oreo includes a new version of Android Things, a version of Android designed for use in IoT devices.
  14. Improved camera app: The camera app was updated to include new features such as a "Motion Photos" mode and improved low-light performance.
  15. Improved audio: Android Oreo includes several audio enhancements, such as improved Bluetooth audio and support for more audio formats.
  16. Improved multitasking: Android Oreo includes several multitasking features, such as the ability to split the screen into multiple windows and improved app switching.
  17. Improved search: Android Oreo includes a new search feature that allows users to search for apps, contacts, and other content from the home screen.
  18. Improved settings app: The settings app was updated to include a new design and features such as a "Settings" menu and improved search functionality.
  19. Improved accessibility settings: The accessibility settings were updated to include a new design and features such as improved screen reader functionality and support for more languages.
  20. Improved developer tools: Android Oreo includes several developer tools, such as a new Android Studio version and improved debugging tools.

These are just some of the key new features and improvements in Android Oreo.