Android new terminal

There are several ways to access a terminal on an Android device. Here are a few options:

  1. Terminal Emulator: This is a popular app that allows you to access a terminal on your Android device. You can install it from the Google Play Store.
    • Download and install Terminal Emulator from the Google Play Store.
    • Open the app and you'll see a terminal screen with a command prompt.
    • You can use the terminal to run commands, navigate directories, and execute shell scripts.
  2. Android Debug Bridge (ADB): ADB is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with your Android device from a computer. You can use ADB to access a terminal on your device.
    • Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable.
    • Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer.
    • Navigate to the platform-tools directory of your Android SDK (e.g., cd platform-tools).
    • Run the command adb shell to access a terminal on your device.
  3. Android Terminal: This is a built-in terminal app on some Android devices, such as Samsung devices.
    • Go to Settings > Developer options > Terminal Emulator.
    • You'll see a terminal screen with a command prompt.
    • You can use the terminal to run commands, navigate directories, and execute shell scripts.
  4. Third-party terminal apps: There are many third-party terminal apps available on the Google Play Store, such as:
    • Hyper Terminal
    • Terminal IDE
    • Android Terminal Emulator
    • Termux

These apps may offer additional features and functionality compared to the built-in terminal emulator or ADB.

Note: Some of these options may require root access or specific permissions to work properly.