Android new navigation controller

The new Android Navigation Controller!

In Android 8.1 (Oreo) and later, Google introduced a new navigation controller, also known as the "Navigation Component" or "Navigation Controller". This component is designed to simplify the process of implementing navigation in your app, making it easier to create a consistent and intuitive user experience.

Here are some key features and benefits of the new Android Navigation Controller:

Key Features:

  1. Declarative Navigation: You define your app's navigation graph using a simple, XML-based syntax. This allows you to decouple navigation logic from your app's code.
  2. Back Stack Management: The Navigation Controller manages the back stack for you, so you don't need to worry about manually adding and removing fragments or activities.
  3. Deep Linking: You can define custom deep links to specific destinations in your app, making it easier to share links and navigate to specific parts of your app.
  4. Action Bar and Bottom Navigation: The Navigation Controller provides built-in support for action bars and bottom navigation, making it easy to implement these common navigation patterns.
  5. Customizable: You can customize the appearance and behavior of the Navigation Controller to fit your app's unique needs.


  1. Simplified Navigation Logic: The Navigation Controller abstracts away the complexity of navigation logic, making it easier to implement and maintain.
  2. Improved User Experience: The Navigation Controller provides a consistent and intuitive user experience, making it easier for users to navigate your app.
  3. Reduced Code: By using the Navigation Controller, you can reduce the amount of code you need to write and maintain.
  4. Easier Debugging: The Navigation Controller provides built-in debugging tools, making it easier to identify and fix navigation-related issues.

How to Use the Navigation Controller:

  1. Add the Navigation Component: In your app's build.gradle file, add the Navigation Component dependency: implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.3.5'
  2. Define Your Navigation Graph: Create a navigation graph XML file (e.g., nav_graph.xml) that defines the structure of your app's navigation.
  3. Set Up the Navigation Controller: In your app's main activity, set up the Navigation Controller by calling Navigation.findNavController(this, and passing in the ID of the NavHostFragment in your layout.
  4. Navigate to Destinations: Use the Navigation Controller to navigate to specific destinations in your app by calling navController.navigate(

Overall, the new Android Navigation Controller is a powerful tool that can help you create a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation experience in your app.