Android new logo

You're referring to the new logo of Android, the popular mobile operating system developed by Google!

In September 2019, Google unveiled a new logo for Android, which marked a significant design overhaul for the brand. The new logo is a departure from the traditional Android robot mascot, which has been a part of the brand's identity since its inception.

The new logo is a simple, colorful, and abstract design that represents the Android brand's values of simplicity, flexibility, and creativity. The logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of small, interconnected circles, which are meant to evoke the idea of connection and community.

Here are some key features of the new Android logo:

  1. Simplified design: The new logo is more minimalist and straightforward, making it easier to recognize and remember.
  2. Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright green color, which is meant to represent Android's playful and approachable personality.
  3. Interconnected circles: The circles in the logo are meant to symbolize the connections between people, devices, and services that Android enables.
  4. Abstract design: The logo is intentionally abstract, allowing it to be used in a variety of contexts and applications without being too literal or specific.

The new logo has been rolled out across various Android products and services, including the Google Play Store,, and other marketing materials. Overall, the new logo is a fresh and modern representation of the Android brand, which is expected to help the company continue to innovate and grow in the competitive mobile market.