Android new lanaguage

You're referring to the new programming language developed by Google for Android app development!

The new language is called Kotlin, and it's designed to be more concise, safe, and interoperable with Java than traditional Java programming. Kotlin was officially announced in 2011, and it's been gaining popularity among Android developers ever since.

Here are some key features of Kotlin:

  1. Interoperability: Kotlin can run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which means it can seamlessly integrate with existing Java code and libraries.
  2. Concise syntax: Kotlin has a more concise syntax than Java, making it easier to write and read code.
  3. Null safety: Kotlin has built-in null safety features, which help prevent null pointer exceptions and make code more robust.
  4. Extension functions: Kotlin allows you to add functionality to existing classes using extension functions, making it easier to work with third-party libraries.
  5. Coroutines: Kotlin has built-in support for coroutines, which enable asynchronous programming and make it easier to write concurrent code.
  6. Data classes: Kotlin provides a simple way to create data classes, which are classes that contain only immutable data and require no boilerplate code.
  7. Type-safe builders: Kotlin's type-safe builders allow you to create complex data structures in a more concise and safe way.

Kotlin is fully compatible with Android Studio, the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development. You can use Kotlin to develop Android apps, and it's supported by the Android SDK and NDK.

If you're interested in learning more about Kotlin, I recommend checking out the official Kotlin documentation and tutorials on the Android Developers website.