Android 3.0.1 hangs when building new project

Android 3.0.1 is an older version of the Android SDK, and it's not recommended to use it for new projects. Android 3.0.1 was released in 2011, and it's no longer supported by Google.

If you're experiencing issues with building a new project in Android 3.0.1, it's likely due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Outdated SDK: Android 3.0.1 is an outdated version of the SDK, and it may not be compatible with newer versions of the Android Studio or the Android platform.
  2. Incompatible dependencies: Newer projects often require newer dependencies, such as libraries or frameworks, which may not be compatible with Android 3.0.1.
  3. Lack of support for newer features: Android 3.0.1 may not support newer features, such as Android NDK, AndroidX, or Kotlin, which are required for modern Android development.

To resolve the issue, I recommend the following:

  1. Upgrade to a newer version of the Android SDK: If possible, upgrade to a newer version of the Android SDK, such as Android 10 or Android 11. This will give you access to newer features, better support, and more compatible dependencies.
  2. Use a newer version of Android Studio: If you're using an older version of Android Studio, upgrade to a newer version, such as Android Studio 4.2 or later. This will give you access to newer features, better support, and more compatible dependencies.
  3. Use a compatible dependency: If you're using a dependency that's not compatible with Android 3.0.1, try using a compatible version or finding an alternative dependency.
  4. Downgrade your project: If you're unable to upgrade the SDK or Android Studio, you may need to downgrade your project to an earlier version that's compatible with Android 3.0.1.

Remember, Android 3.0.1 is an outdated version of the SDK, and it's not recommended for new projects. It's better to use a newer version of the SDK and Android Studio to ensure compatibility and support for newer features.