Andrew wommack the new you and the holy spirit

A great topic!

Andrew Wommack's teachings on the Holy Spirit and the new you are rooted in his Charismatic Christian perspective. Here's a summary of his key points:

The New You

According to Wommack, the new you is not just a spiritual transformation, but a complete makeover of your entire being. This new you is not just a changed person, but a brand new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new creation is not just a spiritual reality, but a physical, emotional, and mental reality as well.

The Holy Spirit's Role

Wommack emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit in this new creation. He teaches that the Holy Spirit is not just a helper or a comforter, but the very essence of God's nature that dwells within us. The Holy Spirit is the one who:

  1. Reveals God's nature: The Holy Spirit reveals God's love, power, and character to us, and helps us to understand and experience God's presence in our lives.
  2. Transforms us: The Holy Spirit is the one who transforms us from the inside out, changing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to conform to God's will.
  3. Empowers us: The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a victorious life, giving us the strength and ability to overcome sin, fear, and doubt.

Key Principles

Wommack emphasizes several key principles related to the new you and the Holy Spirit:

  1. Abiding in Christ: To experience the new you, we must abide in Christ, which means to live in a constant awareness of His presence and power in our lives.
  2. The Holy Spirit's guidance: We must seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of our lives, rather than relying on our own understanding or human wisdom.
  3. The importance of prayer: Prayer is essential for experiencing the new you and the power of the Holy Spirit. We must pray in the Spirit, using our spirits to communicate with God.
  4. The role of faith: Faith is the key to experiencing the new you and the power of the Holy Spirit. We must believe that God is who He says He is, and that He can do what He says He can do.


Andrew Wommack's teachings on the new you and the Holy Spirit emphasize the importance of experiencing God's presence and power in our lives. He encourages believers to seek a deeper relationship with God, to abide in Christ, and to rely on the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. By applying these principles, we can experience the transformation of the new you and live a victorious, Spirit-filled life.