And the news of what jesus did spread

"And the news of what Jesus did spread: that he had healed many people who were sick with various diseases. They spread the word about the amazing things he had done, and people were amazed." (Matthew 4:23-24, NLT)

This passage from Matthew 4:23-24 describes the early days of Jesus' ministry, where he began to spread the Good News of God's kingdom through his teachings, healings, and miracles. As Jesus traveled throughout Galilee, preaching and performing miracles, the news of his deeds spread rapidly, and people began to take notice.

The phrase "the news of what Jesus did spread" is a translation of the Greek phrase "ἡ ἐπὶ τῷ Ἰησοῦ γενομένη ἀκοή" (hē epi tō Iēsou genomenē akōē), which literally means "the report about Jesus that had happened." This report was not just about Jesus' teachings, but also about the amazing things he had done, such as healing the sick, casting out demons, and performing miracles.

The passage goes on to say that people were amazed by what they heard, and that the news of Jesus' deeds spread quickly throughout the region. This is significant because it shows that Jesus' ministry was not just limited to a small group of people, but that his message and actions had a broader impact on the community.

This passage also highlights the importance of word-of-mouth testimony in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. In the early days of Christianity, it was often through personal testimony and word-of-mouth that people heard about Jesus and his teachings. This passage reminds us that even today, personal testimony and sharing our experiences with others can be a powerful way to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.