And rhey new they had been qith the lord

It seems like you're referencing a biblical passage! The correct quote is likely "And they knew that they had been with the Lord" (Acts 4:13, NKJV).

In this context, the apostles Peter and John had been with Jesus Christ, and after being arrested and questioned by the Sanhedrin, they were able to boldly testify about their experience with the Lord. Despite being uneducated and ordinary men, they had been empowered by the Holy Spirit and had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The phrase "they knew that they had been with the Lord" suggests that Peter and John had a deep understanding of their relationship with Jesus and the impact it had on their lives. They had been with Him, learned from Him, and had been transformed by their time with Him.

This passage highlights the significance of personal experiences with God and the confidence that comes from knowing that we have been with Him.