Ancelotti slams everton display everything was wrong

It seems like Carlo Ancelotti, the manager of Everton FC, was not pleased with his team's performance in a recent match. He has publicly criticized their display, stating that "everything was wrong".

Here's a possible quote from Ancelotti:

"Today, everything was wrong. We didn't play with the intensity and passion that we need to play with. We didn't create enough chances, and when we did, we didn't take them. We were too slow, too sloppy, and too careless. We need to improve significantly if we want to achieve our goals."

It's clear that Ancelotti is frustrated with his team's performance and is urging them to step up their game. He's emphasizing the importance of playing with intensity, passion, and focus, and is demanding more from his players.

As a manager, it's his job to motivate and guide his team, and it's clear that he's trying to do just that. He's likely trying to get his players to take a hard look at themselves and identify what went wrong, so they can work on improving and becoming a more cohesive unit.

It'll be interesting to see how the team responds to Ancelotti's criticism and whether they can turn things around in their next match.