Anc north west warned against divisions ahead of 2024 elections

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ANC North West Warned Against Divisions Ahead of 2024 Elections

The African National Congress (ANC) in the North West province has been warned against divisions and factionalism ahead of the 2024 general elections. The warning comes from the ANC's national executive committee (NEC), which has expressed concern over the growing divisions within the party in the province.

The NEC has called on the ANC in the North West to put aside their differences and work together to strengthen the party and ensure its victory in the upcoming elections. The NEC has also urged the party's members in the province to focus on the party's policies and programs, rather than engaging in factional battles.

The warning comes amid reports of growing divisions within the ANC in the North West, with some members allegedly supporting different factions within the party. The divisions have been blamed for the party's poor performance in recent local government elections in the province.

The ANC's national spokesperson, Pule Mabe, has urged the party's members in the North West to put aside their differences and work together to strengthen the party. "We cannot afford to be divided at this critical moment in our history," Mabe said. "We need to work together to ensure the ANC's victory in the 2024 elections."

The warning from the ANC's NEC is seen as a bid to prevent the party from splitting into different factions, which could lead to its defeat in the 2024 elections. The ANC has been the dominant party in South Africa since the end of apartheid, but it has faced growing challenges in recent years, including corruption scandals and internal divisions.

The party's leadership has been working to address these challenges and to strengthen the party ahead of the 2024 elections. The warning from the ANC's NEC is seen as a key part of this effort, as it aims to prevent divisions within the party from undermining its chances of victory in the elections.