Anandabazar patrika in international news

Anandabazar Patrika is a Bengali-language daily newspaper published from Kolkata, India. While it primarily focuses on local and national news, it also carries international news in its editions. Here are some recent international news articles published in Anandabazar Patrika:

  1. US-Iran Tensions Escalate: Anandabazar Patrika reported on the escalating tensions between the United States and Iran, including the US drone strike that killed top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani and the subsequent Iranian missile attacks on US military bases in Iraq. (January 2020)
  2. Coronavirus Outbreak: The newspaper has been covering the COVID-19 pandemic extensively, including the global spread of the virus, the response of various countries, and the impact on the economy and society. (2020)
  3. Hong Kong Protests: Anandabazar Patrika has been reporting on the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, including the demonstrations against the Chinese government's extradition bill and the subsequent clashes between protesters and police. (2019-2020)
  4. Brexit Developments: The newspaper has been covering the Brexit process, including the UK's withdrawal from the European Union, the impact on the economy, and the reactions of various countries. (2019-2020)
  5. North Korea-US Relations: Anandabazar Patrika has been reporting on the tensions between North Korea and the United States, including the summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and the subsequent developments. (2018-2020)
  6. India-China Border Tensions: The newspaper has been covering the tensions between India and China along their shared border, including the military standoff in Ladakh and the diplomatic efforts to resolve the issue. (2020)
  7. Global Economy: Anandabazar Patrika has been reporting on the global economic situation, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, trade tensions between the US and China, and the responses of central banks and governments. (2020)
  8. Middle East Conflicts: The newspaper has been covering the conflicts in the Middle East, including the wars in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, as well as the peace process between Israel and Palestine. (2019-2020)
  9. European Elections: Anandabazar Patrika reported on the European Parliament elections, including the results, the impact on the EU's political landscape, and the reactions of various countries. (2019)
  10. Climate Change: The newspaper has been covering the global efforts to address climate change, including the UN Climate Action Summit, the G7 summit, and the reactions of various countries to the issue. (2019-2020)

These are just a few examples of the international news articles published in Anandabazar Patrika. The newspaper's international news section is regularly updated with news from around the world.