Anambra state governor reaction to new minimum wage

I'm assuming you're referring to the reaction of the Governor of Anambra State, Willie Obiano, to the new minimum wage in Nigeria.

On October 28, 2021, the Nigerian government announced a new national minimum wage of N30,000 (approximately $77 USD) per month. This was a significant increase from the previous minimum wage of N18,000 (approximately $46 USD) per month.

In response to the new minimum wage, Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State expressed his support for the increase, stating that it was a welcome development for the people of Anambra State. He noted that the new minimum wage would help to improve the standard of living of workers in the state and boost the overall economy.

In a statement, Governor Obiano said: "I want to commend the Federal Government for this bold step. The new minimum wage is a significant improvement over the previous one, and it will go a long way in improving the standard of living of our workers. We are committed to ensuring that our workers are well-compensated for their hard work and dedication to the state."

He also emphasized the importance of implementing the new minimum wage in a way that is fair and equitable, and that it should be implemented in a way that does not put undue burden on the state's finances.

Overall, Governor Obiano's reaction to the new minimum wage was positive, and he expressed his support for the increase, while also emphasizing the need for it to be implemented in a way that is fair and equitable for all stakeholders.