Anambra rice news

You're referring to the recent news about Anambra State in Nigeria and its rice production!

Here are some key points about the news:

Anambra State becomes self-sufficient in rice production: According to reports, Anambra State has achieved self-sufficiency in rice production, with the state government announcing that it has produced over 100,000 metric tons of rice in the 2020/2021 farming season.

Rice production increases by 50%: The state government attributed the increase in rice production to the implementation of various agricultural initiatives, including the provision of fertilizers, seeds, and other inputs to farmers.

Anambra State aims to become a major rice producer in Nigeria: The state government has set a target to become one of the top rice-producing states in Nigeria, with plans to increase rice production to 200,000 metric tons by the end of 2022.

Rice production creates jobs and boosts economy: The increased rice production in Anambra State has also created jobs and boosted the local economy, with many farmers and agricultural workers benefiting from the initiative.

Government's efforts to promote agriculture: The Anambra State government has been making efforts to promote agriculture in the state, including the establishment of the Anambra State Agricultural Development Programme (ASADP) to support farmers and improve agricultural productivity.

Private sector involvement: The state government has also been collaborating with the private sector to promote rice production, with companies like the Anambra Rice Limited (ARL) and the Nigerian Agricultural Development Bank (NAB) providing support to farmers.

Overall, the news about Anambra State's rice production is a positive development for the state and the country as a whole, as it highlights the potential of agriculture to create jobs, boost the economy, and improve food security.