Anambra police arrests 7 naira hawkers #comments

Here are some possible comments for the article:

Comment 1 "This is a welcome development! It's about time the police took action against these hawker's who always cause traffic congestion and disturbance in the state. Kudos to the Anambra police for a job well done!" - @NwaNigeria

Comment 2 "I don't think arresting them is the solution. Instead, the government should provide alternative means for them to make a living. Arresting them will only lead to more problems. #HawkersHaveRightsToo" - @AnambraGirl

Comment 3 "I'm all for the arrest! These hawker's are a nuisance and a threat to public safety. They're always blocking the roads and causing accidents. The police are doing the right thing by taking them off the streets." - @AnambraBoy

Comment 4 "This is a classic case of police harassment! The hawker's are just trying to make a living and the police are using their power to oppress them. I hope the hawker's are treated fairly and not subjected to any form of brutality." - @NigerianVoice

Comment 5 "I'm surprised the police didn't arrest more than 7! There are hundreds of hawker's in Anambra state, and arresting just 7 is not going to make a significant impact. The government needs to come up with a more comprehensive plan to address the issue." - @AnambraObserver

Comment 6 "I'm all for the arrest, but I hope the hawker's are given an alternative means of making a living. Maybe the government can provide them with a designated area to sell their goods or offer them training and resources to start their own businesses." - @NwaNigeria