Anambra new airport

You're referring to the new international airport being built in Anambra State, Nigeria!

Here are some key facts about the project:

Location: The airport is being built in Umueri, Anambra State, which is about 45 kilometers east of Awka, the state capital.

Cost: The estimated cost of the project is around ₦82 billion (approximately $220 million USD).

Features: The airport will have a 3.7-kilometer runway, capable of accommodating large aircraft like Boeing 747s and Airbus A380s. It will also have a terminal building, control tower, and other facilities.

Capacity: The airport is designed to handle up to 1.2 million passengers per annum, making it one of the busiest airports in Nigeria.

Phase 1: The first phase of the project, which includes the construction of the runway, taxiways, and apron, is expected to be completed by 2023.

Phase 2: The second phase, which involves the construction of the terminal building, control tower, and other facilities, is expected to be completed by 2025.

Benefits: The new airport is expected to boost economic development in Anambra State and the surrounding regions, creating jobs and stimulating growth in industries such as tourism, trade, and commerce.

Challenges: The project has faced some challenges, including delays in the release of funds and issues with land acquisition. However, the Anambra State Government and the Federal Government of Nigeria are working together to ensure the project is completed on schedule.

Overall, the new airport in Anambra State is an important infrastructure project that will help to improve air travel and economic development in the region.