Analysis trump the dealmaker struggles to seal the deal #comments

Analysis: Trump, the Dealmaker, Struggles to Seal the Deal

Donald Trump, known for his self-proclaimed reputation as a master dealmaker, has faced numerous challenges in sealing major deals during his presidency. Despite his boasts about his negotiating prowess, Trump has struggled to deliver on his promises, leaving many to question his ability to close the deal.

The Art of the Deal

Trump's 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal," touted his ability to negotiate successful deals. He claimed to have a unique approach that involved being bold, taking risks, and being willing to walk away from a deal if it wasn't favorable. However, his presidency has shown that this approach may not be as effective as he claimed.

Struggles with Congress

One of Trump's biggest challenges has been working with Congress to pass legislation. Despite having a Republican majority in both the House and Senate, Trump has struggled to get his agenda passed. His inability to work with lawmakers has led to a series of failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, pass tax reform, and address immigration.

Trade Deals

Trump's trade policies have also been a subject of controversy. His tariffs on steel and aluminum imports have led to retaliatory measures from other countries, causing trade tensions to escalate. His attempts to renegotiate trade deals, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), have also been met with resistance from other countries.

The Iran Nuclear Deal

Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal was a major foreign policy move that was met with widespread criticism. The deal, negotiated by the Obama administration, was seen as a major achievement in preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Trump's decision to withdraw from the deal has led to increased tensions with Iran and has raised concerns about the stability of the region.

The Border Wall

Trump's promise to build a wall along the US-Mexico border has been a major sticking point in his presidency. Despite his repeated claims that Mexico would pay for the wall, the reality is that the US government will have to foot the bill. The wall has become a symbol of Trump's divisive politics and has been met with widespread opposition from Democrats and some Republicans.


Trump's struggles to seal the deal have been a major theme of his presidency. Despite his boasts about his negotiating prowess, Trump has faced numerous challenges in delivering on his promises. His inability to work with Congress, his struggles with trade deals, and his controversial foreign policy decisions have all contributed to a sense of uncertainty and unpredictability in Washington.
