Analca new president

You're referring to the recent presidential election in Albania!

Yes, on April 25, 2022, Bajram Begaj was elected as the new President of Albania, succeeding Ilir Meta. Begaj, a retired general and politician, won the election with 72.7% of the votes, according to the Central Election Commission.

As President, Begaj's main responsibilities include:

  1. Representing the country internationally
  2. Signing laws passed by the Parliament
  3. Appointing the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials
  4. Serving as the commander-in-chief of the Albanian Armed Forces
  5. Promoting national unity and stability

Begaj's presidency is seen as a significant moment in Albanian politics, as he is the first military officer to hold the office. His election is also seen as a sign of stability and continuity in the country's political landscape.

Would you like to know more about Begaj's background or his plans for his presidency?