An african journal of new writing

What a fascinating topic! An African Journal of New Writing could be a fantastic platform to showcase the diverse and vibrant literary talents emerging from the African continent. Here's a rough outline of what such a journal could look like:

Mission Statement: The African Journal of New Writing aims to provide a platform for emerging and established African writers to share their original work, fostering a sense of community and promoting the development of African literature.

Scope: The journal will focus on publishing original short stories, poetry, and creative non-fiction from African writers, with a emphasis on new and emerging voices. The journal will also feature interviews, reviews, and essays on African literature and culture.

Target Audience: The journal will cater to readers interested in African literature, culture, and identity, including:

  1. African writers and readers seeking a platform to share and discover new work.
  2. Scholars and researchers interested in African literature and culture.
  3. Educators and students looking for resources on African literature and creative writing.
  4. Book clubs and literary enthusiasts seeking new and exciting African voices.


  1. Fiction: Short stories, flash fiction, and excerpts from novels and novellas.
  2. Poetry: Original poems, poetry series, and poetry reviews.
  3. Creative Non-Fiction: Essays, memoir excerpts, and personal narratives.
  4. Interviews: Conversations with African writers, editors, and literary critics.
  5. Reviews: Book reviews, literary criticism, and analysis of African literature.
  6. Essays: Critical essays on African literature, culture, and identity.

Frequency and Format: The journal will be published quarterly, both in print and digital formats. Each issue will feature a mix of original work, interviews, reviews, and essays.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submissions: Writers can submit their work through an online submission portal.
  2. Eligibility: The journal is open to submissions from African writers, regardless of their location or nationality.
  3. Word Count: Short stories and creative non-fiction should be between 1,000-5,000 words. Poetry submissions should be no more than 10 pages.
  4. Style: Submissions should be in English, with a focus on original and unpublished work.

Editorial Team: The journal will have a team of editors, including:

  1. Editor-in-Chief: A seasoned editor or writer with expertise in African literature.
  2. Section Editors: Editors responsible for specific sections, such as fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction.
  3. Assistant Editors: Graduate students or emerging writers assisting with submissions, editing, and production.

Funding and Sustainability: The journal will rely on a combination of funding sources, including:

  1. Grants: Applications for grants from literary organizations, foundations, and government agencies.
  2. Subscriptions: Individual and institutional subscriptions to support the journal's operations.
  3. Donations: Crowdfunding campaigns and donations from readers and supporters.
  4. Advertising: Limited advertising from relevant organizations and businesses.

Digital Presence: The journal will maintain a strong online presence through:

  1. Website: A dedicated website featuring current and past issues, submission guidelines, and editorial team information.
  2. Social Media: Active social media accounts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  3. Email Newsletter: A quarterly newsletter highlighting new issues, upcoming events, and literary news.

This is just a rough outline, but I hope it gives you an idea of what an African Journal of New Writing could look like!