Amp latest news

Here are the latest news updates on AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages):

AMP News

  1. AMP Stories Now Available on Google Search: Google has announced that AMP stories are now available on Google Search, allowing users to discover and engage with stories from publishers and creators. (Source: Google Blog)
  2. AMP Pages Load 30% Faster on Android: According to a study by Google, AMP pages load 30% faster on Android devices compared to non-AMP pages. This is due to the optimized code and caching mechanisms used by AMP. (Source: Google Developers)
  3. AMP for Email Now Available: Google has launched AMP for Email, a new feature that allows developers to create interactive and dynamic emails using AMP technology. (Source: Google Blog)
  4. AMP Pages Now Support Web Push Notifications: AMP pages can now support web push notifications, allowing publishers to send notifications to users who have opted-in to receive them. (Source: AMP Project)
  5. AMP for WordPress Now Available: AMP for WordPress is now available, allowing WordPress users to easily create and publish AMP pages. (Source:

AMP Updates

  1. AMP 2.0 Released: The AMP Project has released AMP 2.0, which includes several new features and improvements, such as support for web push notifications and improved performance. (Source: AMP Project)
  2. AMP Cache Now Supports HTTP/2: The AMP Cache now supports HTTP/2, which allows for faster and more efficient caching of AMP pages. (Source: AMP Project)
  3. AMP Pages Now Support Custom Fonts: AMP pages can now use custom fonts, allowing publishers to customize the look and feel of their AMP pages. (Source: AMP Project)

AMP Adoption

  1. AMP Adoption Reaches 1.7 Billion Users: According to a report by the AMP Project, AMP adoption has reached 1.7 billion users, with over 1 million domains using AMP technology. (Source: AMP Project)
  2. AMP Pages Now Account for 10% of Mobile Search Results: AMP pages now account for 10% of mobile search results, according to a report by Ahrefs. (Source: Ahrefs)

These are just a few of the latest news updates on AMP. If you're interested in learning more, I'd be happy to provide additional information or resources!