Amnesty program tension brews in n delta over plan to nominate northerner

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a situation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Here's a possible summary:

The Niger Delta region is experiencing tension over a plan to nominate a northerner for an amnesty program. The amnesty program was established to provide former militants with a chance to reintegrate into society and receive compensation for their past actions. However, the nomination of a northerner has sparked controversy and raised concerns among the local population.

The Niger Delta region has a long history of conflict and marginalization, and many residents feel that the region has been neglected and underrepresented in the country's governance. The nomination of a northerner for the amnesty program has been seen as a betrayal by some, who feel that the region's interests are being ignored.

The situation has led to increased tensions and protests in the region, with some calling for the nomination to be withdrawn and for a northerner to be replaced with a local candidate. The government has been urged to address the concerns of the local population and to ensure that the amnesty program is fair and inclusive.

It's important to note that the situation is still developing, and more information is needed to fully understand the context and the implications of the nomination.