Amnesty payment news 2016

Here are some news articles related to amnesty payments in 2016:

  1. IRS Offers Amnesty to Taxpayers with Unfiled Returns (January 2016)

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced an amnesty program for taxpayers who have failed to file tax returns or have outstanding tax debts. The program, called the "Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures," allowed taxpayers to avoid penalties and interest by filing their returns and paying any owed taxes.


  1. Amnesty Program for Undocumented Immigrants Ends (August 2016)

The Obama administration's Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program, which provided temporary legal status and work permits to certain undocumented immigrants, was blocked by a federal court in 2015. The program was officially ended in August 2016.

Source: CNN

  1. IRS Offers Amnesty to Taxpayers with Unreported Foreign Bank Accounts (September 2016)

The IRS announced an amnesty program for taxpayers who have failed to report foreign bank accounts or other financial assets. The program, called the "Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program," allowed taxpayers to avoid criminal prosecution and significant penalties by disclosing their foreign assets and paying any owed taxes.

Source: Forbes

  1. Amnesty Program for Taxpayers with Unfiled Returns Extended (December 2016)

The IRS extended its amnesty program for taxpayers with unfiled returns, allowing taxpayers to file their returns and pay any owed taxes without facing penalties and interest. The program was extended until April 15, 2017.

Source: Accounting Today

These are just a few examples of amnesty payment news in 2016. If you're looking for more information or have specific questions about amnesty programs, I'd be happy to help!