Amnesty latest news

Here are the latest news and updates on Amnesty International:

Recent News

  1. Amnesty International Condemns Saudi Arabia's Human Rights Record: Amnesty International has released a report criticizing Saudi Arabia's human rights record, citing the country's use of arbitrary detention, torture, and executions. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. Amnesty International Calls for Release of Detained Journalists in Egypt: Amnesty International has called for the release of two Egyptian journalists who have been detained for over a year without charge. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Amnesty International Condemns US Border Patrol's Use of Tear Gas: Amnesty International has condemned the US Border Patrol's use of tear gas on migrants at the US-Mexico border, calling it a "violation of international human rights law". (Source: CNN)
  4. Amnesty International Calls for Investigation into Death of Detainee in Bahrain: Amnesty International has called for an investigation into the death of a detainee in Bahrain, who died in custody after being subjected to torture. (Source: The Independent)
  5. Amnesty International Launches Campaign to End Death Penalty in Asia: Amnesty International has launched a campaign to end the death penalty in Asia, where many countries still use capital punishment. (Source: The Straits Times)

Recent Reports and Research

  1. "I'd Rather Die Than Go Back": The Plight of Refugees in Libya: Amnesty International has released a report highlighting the dire situation of refugees and migrants in Libya, who are subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, and abuse. (Source: Amnesty International)
  2. "The State of the World's Children 2020": A Report on Children's Rights: Amnesty International has released a report highlighting the state of children's rights around the world, including issues such as child poverty, education, and child labor. (Source: UNICEF)
  3. "The Global Refugee Crisis: A Human Rights Crisis": A Report on Refugee Rights: Amnesty International has released a report highlighting the global refugee crisis, including the rights of refugees and the responsibilities of governments to protect them. (Source: Amnesty International)

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Amnesty International Wins Nobel Peace Prize: Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for its work in promoting human rights around the world. (Source: Nobel Prize)
  2. Amnesty International's Secretary General Wins Human Rights Award: Amnesty International's Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, has won the Human Rights Award for her work in promoting human rights and challenging human rights abuses. (Source: Human Rights Watch)

I hope this information is helpful!