Amnesty international news on revolutionnow

Amnesty International is a global organization that works to protect human rights and promote justice. Here are some recent news articles and reports from Amnesty International related to the #RevolutionNow movement in Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria: Authorities must respect right to peaceful protest (July 2020)

Amnesty International called on the Nigerian authorities to respect the right to peaceful protest and to end the use of excessive force against protesters. The organization documented cases of police brutality and human rights abuses during the #RevolutionNow protests.

Source: Amnesty International News (July 2020)

  1. Nigeria: Crackdown on #RevolutionNow protests must stop (June 2020)

Amnesty International condemned the Nigerian government's crackdown on #RevolutionNow protests, which resulted in the arrest and detention of hundreds of people. The organization called on the authorities to respect the right to peaceful assembly and to release those detained.

Source: Amnesty International News (June 2020)

  1. Nigeria: #RevolutionNow protests highlight deep-seated grievances (June 2020)

Amnesty International reported on the widespread protests across Nigeria, which were sparked by economic hardship, corruption, and human rights abuses. The organization highlighted the need for the government to address the root causes of the protests and to respect the rights of protesters.

Source: Amnesty International News (June 2020)

  1. Nigeria: Authorities must investigate police killings and brutality (May 2020)

Amnesty International called on the Nigerian authorities to investigate reports of police killings and brutality during the #RevolutionNow protests. The organization documented cases of excessive force used by security forces against protesters.

Source: Amnesty International News (May 2020)

  1. Nigeria: #RevolutionNow protests a cry for change (May 2020)

Amnesty International reported on the widespread protests across Nigeria, which were sparked by economic hardship, corruption, and human rights abuses. The organization highlighted the need for the government to address the root causes of the protests and to respect the rights of protesters.

Source: Amnesty International News (May 2020)

These articles and reports highlight the ongoing human rights concerns in Nigeria, including police brutality, arbitrary arrests, and restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly.