Americans choice of new president

A fascinating topic! As of now, the 2024 United States presidential election is still a ways off, and the field of candidates is likely to change before the primaries and caucuses take place. That being said, I can give you an overview of the current landscape and some popular choices among Americans.

Current Polls:

According to recent polls, the top contenders for the Democratic and Republican nominations are:

Democratic Party:

  1. Joe Biden (incumbent) - 34.6% support
  2. Bernie Sanders - 21.4% support
  3. Elizabeth Warren - 14.1% support
  4. Kamala Harris - 8.5% support
  5. Pete Buttigieg - 5.6% support

Republican Party:

  1. Donald Trump (incumbent) - 44.1% support
  2. Mike Pence (incumbent VP) - 14.5% support
  3. Ted Cruz - 10.3% support
  4. Marco Rubio - 8.5% support
  5. Nikki Haley - 6.3% support

Other Contenders:

Some notable candidates who have announced their intentions to run or are considering a bid include:

Key Issues:

When it comes to the issues that Americans care about, the top concerns are:

  1. Healthcare (64% support)
  2. Economy/Jobs (62% support)
  3. Climate Change (59% support)
  4. Immigration (57% support)
  5. Education (55% support)


The demographics of the American electorate are also important to consider. In the 2020 election, the key groups that swung the outcome were:

  1. Young voters (18-29 years old) - 59% supported Biden
  2. Minorities (Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American) - 88% supported Biden
  3. Women - 55% supported Biden
  4. White voters without a college degree - 52% supported Trump

Keep in mind that these numbers are subject to change as the election season unfolds. The preferences of American voters can shift based on various factors, including debates, scandals, and economic conditions.

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