American news on tbc

You're looking for American news on TBC (Tbilisi Broadcasting Company), a Georgian television channel. Here are some recent American news stories that may have been covered on TBC:

  1. US-Iran Tensions Escalate: TBC may have reported on the ongoing tensions between the United States and Iran, including the US drone strike that killed top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani and Iran's retaliatory missile strikes on US military bases in Iraq.
  2. Impeachment Inquiry: TBC may have covered the impeachment inquiry into US President Donald Trump, which was sparked by allegations that he pressured Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden.
  3. US-China Trade War: The channel may have reported on the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, including the latest developments and their impact on the global economy.
  4. US Elections: TBC may have covered the 2020 US presidential election, including the Democratic primary debates, the Republican primary debates, and the general election.
  5. US-Russia Relations: The channel may have reported on the strained relations between the United States and Russia, including the ongoing diplomatic tensions and the impact of sanctions on both countries.
  6. US-Middle East Conflicts: TBC may have covered the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, including the wars in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq, as well as the US military presence in the region.
  7. US Economy: The channel may have reported on the state of the US economy, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions, and the performance of major US industries.
  8. US Politics: TBC may have covered various political developments in the United States, including the Democratic and Republican parties' stances on key issues, such as healthcare, education, and climate change.

Please note that TBC's news coverage may vary depending on the specific programming and the interests of their audience.