American legion milford new hampshire

The American Legion Post 27 in Milford, New Hampshire is a local chapter of the American Legion, a veterans' organization that was founded in 1919. The post is located at 12 Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055.

Here are some details about the American Legion Post 27 in Milford, New Hampshire:

Mission: The American Legion Post 27 in Milford, New Hampshire is dedicated to serving veterans, their families, and the community. The post provides a variety of services and programs to support its members and the community, including:

Membership: The American Legion Post 27 in Milford, New Hampshire is open to all honorably discharged veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Membership is also open to spouses, widows, and widowers of veterans.

Meetings: The post holds regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are open to all members and the public.

Events: The American Legion Post 27 in Milford, New Hampshire hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including:

Contact Information:

Social Media:

I hope this information is helpful!