American dad steve meets sexy new next door neighbor

A classic American Dad! scenario!

(The scene opens with Steve Smith, the awkward and lovable teenager, looking out the window of his family's home in Langley Falls, Virginia. He's staring at the new neighbor's house, where a beautiful and curvy woman is unpacking boxes and moving into the house next door.)

Steve: (excitedly) Oh, wow! A new neighbor! And she's... (he checks out her figure)...amazing!

(Cut to Steve's inner monologue, where he's imagining all sorts of scenarios with the new neighbor.)

Steve (V.O.): I bet she's a spy. Yeah, that's it. She's a spy, and she's here to seduce me. (he chuckles to himself) I'm ready for the mission.

(Cut back to Steve, who's still staring out the window. He notices the new neighbor looking in his direction and waves awkwardly.)

Steve: (nervously) Hi! Welcome to the neighborhood! (he trips over his own feet) Whoa, sorry about that. I'm Steve.

(The new neighbor, whose name is revealed to be Tiffany, smiles and waves back.)

Tiffany: Thanks, Steve! I'm Tiffany. Nice to meet you.

Steve: (still starstruck) Nice to meet you too... Tiffany. (he can't help but stare at her)

(Cut to a montage of Steve trying to impress Tiffany, with various embarrassing and awkward moments. He tries to cook her dinner, but ends up setting the kitchen on fire. He attempts to give her a tour of the neighborhood, but gets lost and ends up in a nearby park.)

Tiffany: (laughing) Steve, I think you might be the most... interesting person I've ever met.

Steve: (smiling) Yeah, I get that a lot. (he winks at her) But hey, at least I'm consistent, right?

(Cut to the Smith family, who are watching the whole ordeal from the living room.)

Francine: (rolling her eyes) Steve, what are you doing?

Steve: (proudly) I'm trying to impress the new neighbor, Mom!

Roger: (skeptically) Yeah, because that's always worked out well for you in the past.

Steve: (defensively) Hey, I'm a catch! I'm a great guy! (he looks out the window and sees Tiffany smiling at him) Oh, yeah! I'm a catch!

(The scene ends with Steve still trying to win Tiffany's heart, despite his many mishaps and misadventures.)