American comedian kristina wong perform lagos theatre festival

I think there may be a mistake here!

Kristina Wong is an American comedian, writer, and performer, but I couldn't find any information about her performing at the Lagos Theatre Festival. The Lagos Theatre Festival is an annual festival held in Lagos, Nigeria, which celebrates Nigerian theatre and performance arts. While it's possible that Kristina Wong may have performed at the festival in the past, I couldn't find any evidence of her being a part of the festival.

If you're interested in learning more about Kristina Wong's work, she is a popular comedian and writer known for her solo shows, podcasts, and online content. She has performed at various comedy festivals and venues around the world, including the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal and the SF Sketchfest in San Francisco.

If you're looking for information on upcoming performances or events at the Lagos Theatre Festival, I recommend checking the festival's official website or social media channels for updates!