America news to nigeria on travel ban

I'm assuming you're referring to the recent travel ban imposed by the United States on Nigeria and other countries. Here's a summary of the news:

Background: On December 23, 2020, the United States government announced a new travel ban, effective January 26, 2021, which restricts travel to the US from several countries, including Nigeria. The ban is aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 and its variants.

Countries affected: The travel ban applies to travelers from the following countries:

  1. Nigeria
  2. South Africa
  3. Botswana
  4. Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
  5. Lesotho
  6. Malawi
  7. Mozambique
  8. Namibia
  9. Zambia
  10. Zimbabwe

Travel restrictions: The ban prohibits non-US citizens who have been in any of these countries within the past 14 days from entering the United States. This includes:

  1. Non-US citizens who have been in Nigeria or any of the other affected countries within the past 14 days.
  2. Non-US citizens who have been in Nigeria or any of the other affected countries within the past 14 days and are seeking to enter the US.

Exceptions: The ban does not apply to:

  1. US citizens and their immediate family members (spouse, children, and parents).
  2. Non-US citizens who are lawful permanent residents of the US.
  3. Non-US citizens who are traveling to the US for an emergency or humanitarian reason.
  4. Non-US citizens who are traveling to the US for work or business, but only if they have a valid visa and meet specific requirements.

Impact on Nigeria: The travel ban has significant implications for Nigeria, as it restricts travel to the US for many Nigerians, including students, business travelers, and individuals with family ties in the US. The ban has also raised concerns about the potential economic and social impacts on Nigeria.

Reactions: The Nigerian government has expressed disappointment and frustration with the travel ban, calling it "unfair" and "discriminatory." The government has also urged the US to reconsider the ban and has offered to work with the US to address concerns about COVID-19.

Next steps: The travel ban is in effect until further notice, and it's unclear when it will be lifted. In the meantime, Nigerians who are planning to travel to the US should check with the US embassy or consulate in Nigeria for the latest information and guidance.

I hope this summary helps!