Amcon to investors dont abandon nigeria our economy great despite recession

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to investors, urging them not to abandon Nigeria's economy despite the country's recent recession.

Here's a possible response:

AMCON's Statement:

"Dear esteemed investors, we understand that the recent economic recession in Nigeria may have raised concerns about the country's investment potential. However, we want to assure you that our economy is resilient and has the potential for growth. Despite the challenges, we have taken steps to address the issues and are working towards a brighter future.

We urge you not to abandon Nigeria, as our economy is great and has a lot to offer. We have a young and growing population, a rich natural resource base, and a strategic location in West Africa. Our economy is diversifying, and we are making progress in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services.

We are committed to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, and we are working to address the challenges that have affected our economy. We believe that Nigeria has a lot to offer, and we invite you to join us on this journey towards growth and development.

Why Nigeria is a great investment destination:

  1. Large and growing population: Nigeria has a population of over 200 million people, with a growing middle class and increasing consumer spending power.
  2. Rich natural resources: Nigeria is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas, and minerals such as iron ore, coal, and tin.
  3. Strategic location: Nigeria is located in West Africa, making it a key player in the region's economic development.
  4. Diversifying economy: Nigeria is diversifying its economy, with a focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and services.
  5. Investment opportunities: Nigeria offers a range of investment opportunities, including infrastructure development, real estate, and private equity.
  6. Government support: The Nigerian government is committed to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, with initiatives such as tax incentives, trade agreements, and infrastructure development.


We believe that Nigeria is a great investment destination, and we invite you to join us on this journey towards growth and development. Despite the challenges, we are confident that our economy has the potential to thrive, and we urge you not to abandon Nigeria. We are committed to creating an enabling environment for businesses to succeed, and we believe that our country has a lot to offer.