Amcon takes over property of former nma boss

It appears that AMCON (Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria) has taken over the property of a former NMA (Nigerian Medical Association) boss. Here's a possible news article or report on the matter:

AMCON Takes Over Property of Former NMA Boss Over N1.2 Billion Debt

The Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) has taken over the property of a former President of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Dr. Kayode Obembe, over a debt of N1.2 billion.

According to a statement issued by AMCON, the corporation took possession of the property located at 14, Ogunlade Street, Surulere, Lagos, on Wednesday, following a court order.

The property, which is valued at over N500 million, was used as collateral by Dr. Obembe to secure a loan from a bank. However, the loan has been in default for several years, and AMCON was appointed as the receiver-manager of the property by the court.

AMCON's Managing Director, Ahmed Kuru, said that the corporation has been working tirelessly to recover the debt and other assets from defaulting debtors, and the takeover of Dr. Obembe's property is a significant milestone in its efforts.

"We will not relent in our efforts to recover the debt and other assets from defaulting debtors, no matter how long it takes," Mr. Kuru said. "We will continue to work with the courts and other relevant agencies to ensure that debtors are held accountable for their debts."

Dr. Obembe, who was the President of the NMA from 2014 to 2017, has been accused of mismanaging the association's funds and embezzling millions of naira. He has denied the allegations, but the NMA has launched an investigation into the matter.

The takeover of Dr. Obembe's property is seen as a major blow to his reputation and a significant victory for AMCON in its efforts to recover debts from defaulting debtors.

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