Amavisd new

amavisd-new is a powerful and flexible mail virus scanner and content filter that is widely used in email servers to scan and filter incoming and outgoing emails for viruses, spam, and other malicious content.

Here are some key features and uses of amavisd-new:


  1. Virus scanning: amavisd-new can scan emails for viruses using various virus scanners, such as ClamAV, F-PROT, and others.
  2. Content filtering: amavisd-new can filter emails based on various criteria, such as sender, recipient, subject, body, and attachments.
  3. Spam filtering: amavisd-new can use various spam filtering algorithms, such as Bayesian filtering, to identify and block spam emails.
  4. Greylisting: amavisd-new can implement greylisting, a technique that delays the delivery of unknown senders' emails to prevent spam and phishing attacks.
  5. Quarantine: amavisd-new can quarantine emails that contain viruses or other malicious content, allowing administrators to review and clean them before delivering them to users.


  1. Email server security: amavisd-new is often used to protect email servers from viruses, spam, and other malicious content.
  2. Compliance: amavisd-new can help organizations comply with regulations and policies related to email security and content filtering.
  3. Email filtering: amavisd-new can be used to filter emails based on various criteria, such as sender, recipient, subject, and body, to prevent unwanted emails from reaching users.
  4. Virus scanning: amavisd-new can be used to scan emails for viruses and other malicious content, even if the email client or server does not have built-in virus scanning capabilities.


amavisd-new is typically configured using a configuration file, usually /etc/amavisd.conf or /etc/amavis.conf. The configuration file specifies various settings, such as:

  1. Virus scanners: The configuration file specifies the virus scanners to use, such as ClamAV.
  2. Content filtering: The configuration file specifies the content filtering rules, such as sender, recipient, subject, and body filters.
  3. Spam filtering: The configuration file specifies the spam filtering algorithms and settings.
  4. Greylisting: The configuration file specifies the greylisting settings, such as the delay period for unknown senders.


amavisd-new is a powerful and flexible mail virus scanner and content filter that can help protect email servers and users from viruses, spam, and other malicious content. Its configuration options allow administrators to customize the filtering and scanning rules to suit their specific needs and requirements.