Amanda walker sky news baby

Amanda Walker is a journalist who works for Sky News, a British news organization. She is a presenter and reporter for the channel, and has covered a wide range of stories over the years.

One of the most notable stories Amanda Walker has covered is the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, in May 2019. As a Sky News correspondent, Amanda was on the ground in Windsor, reporting live from the scene as the royal baby was born.

Amanda has also covered other major news stories, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brexit process, and the UK's general elections. She has interviewed numerous high-profile figures, including politicians, celebrities, and business leaders.

In addition to her reporting work, Amanda has also presented several Sky News programs, including the channel's flagship evening news program, "Sky News Tonight." She has also anchored the channel's coverage of major events, such as the Queen's annual Christmas message and the annual Remembrance Day service.

Amanda is known for her professionalism, poise, and ability to think on her feet, making her a popular and respected figure in the world of journalism.