Am building new house in nigeria do need to register

Congratulations on building a new house in Nigeria!

Yes, you will need to register your new house with the relevant authorities in Nigeria. Here are some of the registrations you may need to consider:

  1. Building Plan Approval: Before commencing construction, you need to submit your building plan to the relevant local government authority (LGA) or state government agency responsible for building regulations. They will review your plan to ensure it meets the necessary building codes and regulations.
  2. Building Permit: After obtaining approval for your building plan, you will need to obtain a building permit from the LGA or state government agency. This permit is required before you can start construction.
  3. Certificate of Occupancy (C of O): Once your building is complete, you will need to apply for a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) from the LGA or state government agency. This certificate is proof that your building is legally occupied and is a requirement for obtaining other necessary documents, such as a title deed.
  4. Land Use Charge (LUC) Certificate: You will need to register your property with the LGA or state government agency responsible for land use charges. This certificate is required to pay the annual land use charge.
  5. Property Tax: You will need to register your property with the LGA or state government agency responsible for property tax. This is required to pay the annual property tax.
  6. Survey Plan: If you have a large plot of land, you may need to obtain a survey plan from a licensed surveyor to determine the boundaries of your property.
  7. Title Deed: If you are purchasing a plot of land, you will need to obtain a title deed from the relevant government agency, such as the Ministry of Lands or the Lands Registry.

It's essential to note that the specific registration requirements may vary depending on the state or LGA where your property is located. It's recommended that you consult with a lawyer or a real estate expert to ensure you comply with all the necessary regulations.

Additionally, you may also need to register your property with other government agencies, such as:

Remember to keep all your registration documents and certificates in a safe and secure location, as they may be required for future transactions or disputes.