Alternative world news

Here are some alternative world news sources that you may find interesting:

Independent Media Outlets

  1. The Grayzone: A progressive news site that focuses on investigative journalism and alternative perspectives on global issues.
  2. The Intercept: A non-profit news organization that publishes in-depth reporting on national security, technology, and civil liberties.
  3. Democracy Now!: A daily news program that focuses on social and political issues, with a progressive perspective.
  4. CounterPunch: A left-wing news site that publishes articles on politics, economics, and social issues.
  5. Truthout: A non-profit news organization that publishes investigative reporting and analysis on social and political issues.

Alternative News Aggregators

  1. Alternative Press: A news aggregator that collects articles from alternative and independent media sources.
  2. Common Dreams: A news aggregator that focuses on progressive and left-wing news and analysis.
  3. AlterNet: A news aggregator that publishes articles on politics, social justice, and environmental issues.

International News Sources

  1. Al Jazeera: A Qatari-based news organization that provides coverage of international news and issues.
  2. RT (Russia Today): A Russian-based news organization that provides coverage of international news and issues from a Russian perspective.
  3. Press TV: An Iranian-based news organization that provides coverage of international news and issues from an Iranian perspective.
  4. TeleSUR: A Venezuelan-based news organization that provides coverage of international news and issues from a Latin American perspective.
  5. The Hindu: An Indian-based news organization that provides coverage of international news and issues from an Indian perspective.

Specialized News Sources

  1. The Conversation: A news site that publishes articles on science, technology, and social issues from academics and experts.
  2. The Nation: A progressive news magazine that publishes articles on politics, social justice, and culture.
  3. Mother Jones: A progressive news magazine that publishes articles on politics, social justice, and environmental issues.
  4. The Progressive: A progressive news magazine that publishes articles on politics, social justice, and labor issues.
  5. The Nation's Health: A news site that publishes articles on healthcare and medical issues from a progressive perspective.

Remember that while these sources may offer alternative perspectives, it's always important to critically evaluate the information you consume and consider multiple sources before forming an opinion.