Alstom circuit breaker manuals

Alstom is a well-known company in the power industry, and they have produced a wide range of circuit breakers over the years. Here are some resources where you can find Alstom circuit breaker manuals:

  1. Alstom's official website: You can visit Alstom's official website ( and search for the specific circuit breaker model you're looking for. They may have a section dedicated to documentation and manuals.
  2. Alstom's customer portal: Alstom has a customer portal where you can register and access various documents, including manuals, for their products. You can try searching for the circuit breaker model on the portal.
  3. Online archives: Websites like or Internet Archive may have archived versions of Alstom's circuit breaker manuals. You can try searching for the specific model or keywords like "Alstom circuit breaker manual".
  4. Manufacturer's websites: Other companies that have acquired Alstom's assets or have similar products may also have manuals available. For example, GE Grid Solutions (formerly Alstom Grid) may have manuals for Alstom circuit breakers.
  5. Industry forums and communities: Online forums and communities dedicated to the power industry, such as Reddit's r/PowerEngineering or r/ElectricalEngineering, may have members who have access to Alstom circuit breaker manuals or can provide guidance on where to find them.
  6. Local libraries or technical schools: You can also try visiting local libraries or technical schools that have engineering or electrical programs. They may have copies of Alstom circuit breaker manuals or be able to provide access to them.

Some specific Alstom circuit breaker models and their corresponding manuals include:

Please note that some of these manuals may be copyrighted and only available for authorized personnel or with permission from Alstom or the copyright holder.