Almizan news

Al Mizan is a news organization that focuses on providing accurate and unbiased reporting on current events, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. Here are some recent news articles from Al Mizan:

Top Stories

  1. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi Re-Elected: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been re-elected for a second term, winning 97% of the vote in a referendum. Critics have accused the government of rigging the election.
  2. Saudi Arabia Lifts Travel Ban on Women: Saudi Arabia has lifted a decades-old ban on women traveling abroad without a male guardian's permission. The move is seen as a significant step towards women's rights in the conservative kingdom.
  3. Libya's UN-Backed Government Seeks International Help: The UN-backed government in Libya has appealed for international help to combat the growing threat of ISIS and other extremist groups in the country.

Regional News

  1. Iran's Nuclear Program: A Threat or a Deterrent?: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported that Iran has exceeded the limit on its enriched uranium stockpile, sparking concerns about the country's nuclear program.
  2. Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis Deepens: The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has worsened, with millions of people facing famine, disease, and displacement due to the ongoing conflict between government forces and Houthi rebels.
  3. Syria's Civil War Enters Ninth Year: The Syrian civil war has entered its ninth year, with no end in sight to the conflict that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions of people.

International News

  1. US-Iran Tensions Escalate: Tensions between the US and Iran have escalated, with the US imposing new sanctions on Iran and Iran threatening to breach the nuclear deal.
  2. EU Imposes Sanctions on Russia: The European Union has imposed new sanctions on Russia over its involvement in the Ukraine conflict, amid growing tensions between the two sides.
  3. China's Belt and Road Initiative: A Game-Changer?: China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been hailed as a game-changer for global trade and development, but critics have raised concerns about its impact on the environment and human rights.

These are just a few examples of the news articles available on Al Mizan. The organization provides in-depth coverage of current events, analysis, and commentary from experts and journalists in the region.