Alluminum copany new zealand

There are several aluminum companies operating in New Zealand. Here are a few:

  1. Rio Tinto Aluminium: Rio Tinto has a significant presence in New Zealand, with a smelter located in Tiwai Point, Southland. The smelter produces around 400,000 tonnes of aluminum per year.
  2. New Zealand Aluminium Smelters (NZAS): NZAS is a joint venture between Rio Tinto and Sumitomo Corporation. The company operates the Tiwai Point smelter and produces around 400,000 tonnes of aluminum per year.
  3. Alcoa: Alcoa has a small presence in New Zealand, with a rolling mill located in Auckland. The mill produces aluminum sheet and plate products.
  4. Nippon Aluminium New Zealand: Nippon Aluminium is a Japanese company that has a presence in New Zealand, with a warehouse and distribution center located in Auckland. The company imports and distributes aluminum products to the New Zealand market.
  5. Pacific Aluminium: Pacific Aluminium is a New Zealand-based company that imports and distributes aluminum products to the local market. The company also has a small manufacturing facility in Auckland.

Here are some key statistics about the aluminum industry in New Zealand:

It's worth noting that the aluminum industry in New Zealand is subject to various environmental and social regulations, including the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) guidelines for aluminum smelting and the International Labour Organization's (ILO) conventions on labor standards.