Allowinm god todo a new thing

What a powerful and liberating concept! "Allowing God to do a new thing" is a phrase that speaks to the idea of surrendering our plans, expectations, and control to the divine, and instead, embracing the unknown and the unexpected.

In Isaiah 43:19, God says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." This verse is a beautiful reminder that God is always at work, even when we can't see or understand what's happening.

When we allow God to do a new thing, we're saying:

  1. I trust in God's sovereignty: We acknowledge that God is in control, and that His plans are better than our own.
  2. I surrender my expectations: We release our need for control and our expectations of how things should go, and instead, we trust that God will work everything out for our good.
  3. I'm open to the unknown: We're willing to take a leap of faith and trust that God will guide us through the unknown, even when it's uncomfortable or scary.
  4. I'm willing to learn and grow: We recognize that God is always teaching us and guiding us, and that we can learn and grow through the experiences He brings our way.

When we allow God to do a new thing, we open ourselves up to:

  1. New opportunities: God may bring new doors of opportunity that we wouldn't have seen or considered otherwise.
  2. New relationships: We may meet new people or form new connections that bring joy and purpose to our lives.
  3. New experiences: We may have new experiences that challenge us, grow us, and help us develop new skills and perspectives.
  4. New depths of faith: We may discover new depths of faith and trust in God as we surrender to His plans and purposes.

So, what does it mean to "allow God to do a new thing" in your life? Is there something specific you're holding onto, or something you're willing to surrender to God's plans?