Alliance for new nigeria logo

The Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN) is a political party in Nigeria, and their logo is a symbol of their mission and values. The logo of the Alliance for New Nigeria is a combination of a few elements that represent the party's goals and aspirations.

The logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of two interconnected circles, with a red and green color scheme. The red color represents the blood of the nation, while the green color represents the country's natural resources and the party's commitment to growth and development.

The two interconnected circles in the logo represent the unity and oneness of the Nigerian people, as well as the party's commitment to building a stronger and more united nation. The circles also symbolize the party's vision of a Nigeria where all citizens are connected and working together towards a common goal.

The logo also features a small arrow pointing upwards, which represents the party's commitment to progress and upward mobility for all Nigerians. The arrow also symbolizes the party's vision of a Nigeria that is moving forward and upward, and where all citizens have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Overall, the logo of the Alliance for New Nigeria is a powerful symbol of the party's mission and values, and it represents the party's commitment to building a stronger, more united, and more prosperous Nigeria.