Alliance for a new nigeria ann dr elishama ideh

I think you meant to ask about "Alliance for a New Nigeria (ANN) and Dr. Elishama Ideh".

The Alliance for a New Nigeria (ANN) is a political party in Nigeria that was founded in 2018. The party's mission is to promote a new Nigeria that is built on the principles of justice, equality, and transparency.

Dr. Elishama Ideh is a Nigerian politician and the National Chairman of the Alliance for a New Nigeria (ANN). He is a medical doctor by profession and has been involved in politics for many years. Ideh has been a vocal critic of the current political system in Nigeria, which he believes is corrupt and inefficient.

Under Ideh's leadership, ANN has been working to build a strong party structure and to mobilize support among Nigerians who are dissatisfied with the current political system. The party has also been advocating for reforms to address issues such as corruption, poverty, and insecurity in Nigeria.

Some of the key policies and programs that ANN has been promoting include:

  1. Anti-corruption reforms: ANN has been calling for the establishment of an independent anti-corruption agency and for the prosecution of corrupt officials.
  2. Economic development: The party has been advocating for policies that promote economic development, such as investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
  3. Security reforms: ANN has been calling for reforms to improve security in Nigeria, including the establishment of a more effective police force and the deployment of technology to combat crime.
  4. Electoral reforms: The party has been advocating for reforms to improve the electoral process in Nigeria, including the introduction of electronic voting and the establishment of an independent electoral commission.

Overall, ANN and Dr. Elishama Ideh are working to promote a new Nigeria that is built on the principles of justice, equality, and transparency.