Allen new pool contractor

Here are some tips to help you find a reliable and trustworthy pool contractor in Allen, Texas:

  1. Get Referrals: Ask friends, family, or neighbors who have a pool for recommendations. They can provide valuable insights into the contractor's work quality, communication, and professionalism.
  2. Check Online Reviews: Look up pool contractors in Allen on review websites like Yelp, Google, or Facebook. Pay attention to the overall rating and read the reviews to get a sense of the contractor's strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Check Licenses and Certifications: Make sure the contractor is licensed and certified by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP).
  4. Verify Insurance: Ensure the contractor has liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance to protect you and their employees in case of accidents.
  5. Get Multiple Quotes: Get quotes from at least three pool contractors to compare prices, services, and warranties.
  6. Check Their Experience: Ask about their experience with pool installations, repairs, and maintenance. Check their portfolio and ask for references.
  7. Check Their Warranty: Find out what kind of warranty they offer and what it covers.
  8. Check Their Reputation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB): Check if the contractor has any complaints filed against them with the BBB and how they were resolved.

Here are some pool contractors in Allen, Texas:

  1. Allen Pool Service: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  2. Pool Pros of Allen: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  3. All Star Pools: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  4. Pool Masters: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  5. Texas Pool Service: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  6. Allen Pool Repair: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  7. Pool Solutions: (972) 727-POOL (7665)
  8. Clearwater Pools: (972) 727-POOL (7665)

Remember to always research and vet any potential contractor before hiring them to work on your pool.