Allavsoft create a new folder for every playlist

A great feature request!

Allavsoft, a popular video downloader, does not have a built-in option to create a new folder for every playlist. However, I can provide you with a workaround and a feature request to the Allavsoft team.


  1. Download Allavsoft and create a new playlist by selecting the videos you want to download.
  2. Go to the "Settings" menu and click on "Output" > "Folder".
  3. In the "Folder" field, enter a path that includes the playlist name, for example: C:\Videos\My Playlist.
  4. Make sure to check the box next to "Create a new folder for each playlist" (this option is not available by default, but you can add it using the feature request below).

Feature Request:

You can submit a feature request to the Allavsoft team to add an option to create a new folder for every playlist. Here's a sample feature request:

Title: Create a new folder for every playlist

Description: It would be great if Allavsoft could create a new folder for each playlist, automatically naming the folder with the playlist name. This would help keep the downloaded videos organized and make it easier to find specific playlists.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new playlist in Allavsoft.
  2. Go to the "Settings" menu and click on "Output" > "Folder".
  3. The program should create a new folder with the playlist name and download the videos to that folder.


You can submit your feature request to the Allavsoft team through their website or social media channels. Who knows, maybe they'll add this feature in a future update!