All progressives congress news

Here are the latest news and updates from the Progressive Congress:

Latest News

  1. Progressive Caucus Demands Action on Climate Change: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to take immediate action to address the climate crisis, including passing the Green New Deal and increasing funding for renewable energy.
  2. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Protect Voting Rights: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to protect voting rights and prevent voter suppression, including automatic voter registration and same-day registration.
  3. Progressive Caucus Demands Justice for Immigrants: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and an end to family separation.
  4. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Lower Prescription Drug Prices: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to lower prescription drug prices, including allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies and capping out-of-pocket costs.
  5. Progressive Caucus Demands Action on Gun Violence: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to take immediate action to address gun violence, including passing universal background checks and banning assault weapons.

Upcoming Events

  1. Progressive Caucus Town Hall: The Progressive Caucus will be hosting a town hall meeting on [date] to discuss the latest news and updates from Congress.
  2. Climate Change Rally: The Progressive Caucus will be participating in a climate change rally on [date] to demand action on the climate crisis.
  3. Immigration Reform Hearing: The Progressive Caucus will be hosting a hearing on immigration reform on [date] to discuss the latest developments and proposals.

Recent Statements

  1. Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Climate Change: "The climate crisis is a crisis of justice, and we must take immediate action to address it. We need to transition to renewable energy, invest in clean infrastructure, and protect our communities from the impacts of climate change."
  2. Rep. Ro Khanna on Voting Rights: "Voting is the foundation of our democracy, and we must protect the right to vote for all Americans. We need to pass the Voting Rights Act and ensure that every citizen has an equal voice in our democracy."
  3. Rep. Ilhan Omar on Immigration Reform: "Immigration reform is a matter of justice and humanity. We need to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship, ends family separation, and provides a fair and humane process for seeking asylum."

Recent Actions

  1. Progressive Caucus Votes Against Trump Budget: The Progressive Caucus voted against the Trump budget, citing its cuts to social programs and lack of investment in renewable energy.
  2. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Protect LGBTQ+ Rights: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to protect LGBTQ+ rights, including the Equality Act and the Safe Schools Improvement Act.
  3. Progressive Caucus Demands Action on Student Loan Debt: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to take immediate action to address student loan debt, including refinancing and forgiveness programs.

I hope this information is helpful!