All progressives congress latest news

Here are the latest news updates on the Progressive Congress:

Latest News

  1. Progressive Caucus Demands Action on Climate Change: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to take immediate action to address climate change, citing the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. (Source: The Hill)
  2. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Expand Medicare: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to expand Medicare to cover all Americans, regardless of age or income. The bill would also increase funding for the program and reduce costs for seniors. (Source: Common Dreams)
  3. Progressives Push for Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump: The Progressive Caucus has called for impeachment proceedings against President Trump, citing his alleged abuse of power and obstruction of justice. (Source: The New York Times)
  4. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Protect Voting Rights: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to protect voting rights, including automatic voter registration, same-day registration, and restoration of voting rights for felons. (Source: The Hill)
  5. Progressives Demand Action on Gun Violence: The Progressive Caucus has called on Congress to take immediate action to address gun violence, including universal background checks, red flag laws, and a ban on assault weapons. (Source: CNN)

Recent Statements

  1. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA): "We need to take bold action to address the climate crisis, and that means transitioning to 100% renewable energy, creating good-paying jobs, and protecting vulnerable communities." (Source: The Hill)
  2. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA): "It's time for Congress to take a stand against the Trump administration's attacks on our democracy and our values. We need to protect the Mueller investigation and hold the President accountable." (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): "We need to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, including lack of access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. We need to build a society that values the dignity and worth of every human being." (Source: The Hill)

Recent Actions

  1. Progressive Caucus Members Vote Against Border Wall Funding: A group of Progressive Caucus members voted against funding for the border wall, citing concerns about the impact on immigrant communities and the lack of a comprehensive immigration reform. (Source: The Hill)
  2. Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Abolish ICE: A group of Progressive Caucus members have introduced a bill to abolish ICE, citing concerns about the agency's treatment of immigrants and its role in perpetuating systemic racism. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Progressive Caucus Members Vote Against Tax Cuts for Corporations: A group of Progressive Caucus members voted against tax cuts for corporations, citing concerns about the impact on the national debt and the lack of benefits for working-class Americans. (Source: The Hill)

Please note that these are just a few examples of the latest news and statements from the Progressive Congress. The Progressive Caucus is a diverse group of members, and their views and actions may vary.